Sunday, December 18, 2005
you're never alone

when the world not on you're side
you don't know where to run to
you don't know where to hide
you gaze at the stars in the sky
if the mountain so hightrough the tears in you're eyes
looking for a reasonto replace what is gone

just remember,
rememberthat you're never alone
just reach into you're heart
and Allah is always there

you're never alone
trough sorrow and trough grief
trough happiness and peace
you're never alone

so now, as you long for you're past
prepare for you're future
but knowing nothing gonna last
you see this life is but a road
a straigh and narrow path
to our final abode
so travel well O muslim
sand paradise will be your home
and always remember that you're never alone...

[take from sing... sorry forget :)]

posted by kamil @ 4:48 PM  
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